comment guidelines

– Please ensure your comments are respectful. Of course debates occur, and this is usually healthy, but any unnecessarily derogatory comments or personal attacks will be deleted.
– Ensure comments are somewhat related to the post topic being discussed. If you would like to raise an issue unrelated to the post you can use my contact page to suggest topics for future posts.
– Use your real name, or a similar pseudonym.
– Use your real email address and/or website. Anyone can make derogatory comments when anonymous; such cowardice will not be tolerated.
– Use your own words, or reference your sources; no cutting and pasting please.
– This is a place to discuss, learn and be challenged, so please try to play the game fairly and respectfully.

I reserve the right to delete posts if I think they violate these basic requests.

Matt Anslow

Some helpful tips for stylising your comments on life.remixed:

Often it can be frustrating trying to write on comment sections of blogs without the ability to use bold text, italics or underlines. However with some basic html knowledge you can use these functions. Here is a short list of useful html codes:

<b>make me bold</b> = make me bold

<em>slant my text</em> = slant my text

<u>on solid ground</u> = on solid ground

<a href=””>read this blog</a> = read this blog (linked to

<blockquote>on the record</blockquote> =

on the record